Life is sometimes difficult, banking should not... Small Screen Finance Bank can make your life simpler. Now enjoy the convenience of banking wherever you go!
Join the 500,000+ people growing their long-term wealth with SSF, voted the best cashback card by SSF Bank. SSF is more than banking, with huge cashback on everyday spending.
A card doesn’t contain your card number, expiry date and CVV and your card details are securely stored in the app. Even if you lose a card, your details are still safe.
Send, receive, or request money instantly just by phone number. Easy to find persons and companies. See the list of previous recipients with all info you need. Search by name, telephone number or IBAN.
Don’t worry about forgetting to pay your car insurance or any future payments in time. Just schedule when to pay and SSF will do the rest. Manage your direct debits without any fees and track them all in one place.
You can close most bank accounts whenever you like without being charged. It’s usually just a case of getting in touch with your bank. But if you’re overdrawn, you’ll have to pay off what you owe.